Number System questions SSC Lesson#1

Number System questions Lesson#1 मे प्राकृतिक संख्याए Natural Number, Whole Number, Integers, डेसीमल और rational नंबर के बारे मे बताते हुए recurring number को p/q फोरम मे बदला गया है जिन्हे उदाहरण की सहायता से समझाया गया है –

Number System questions SSC Lesson#1

Number System questions Basic :-

Natural Number (N) : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, …………………. ∞

Whole Number (W) : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, …………………….. ∞

Integers (Z) : -∞ ………… -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ………… ∞

Decimals 0.1, 0.33, 2.4, ……………

(i) terminating Decimals : 1/4 = 0.25

(ii) & non-terminating :

a) repeating non-terminating ⇒ 1/3 = 0.3333…., 1/6 = 0.16666……., 1/11 = 0.090909…..

b) non-repeating non-terminating ⇒ π = 3.141…., √2 = 1.414……, √3 = 1.732…… = irrational number

Rational Number :

p/q, q ≠ 0 & p,q ∈ Z

Irrational Numbers : cannot be written in p/q form

3.14 < π < 22/7       [Note this]

Here 1/7 = 0.142857142857 non-terminating and repeating

Convert a recurring number to p/q form in Number System questions

1/3 = 0.3333.... = 0.\bar{3},

1/6 = 0.1666.... = 0.1\bar{6} ,

1/11 = 0.090909.... = 0.\bar{09}

For Example :- 0.1666….

x = 0.1666…. —— 1

10x = 1.666…. (10 से गुणा करने पर)

10x = 1 + 0.6666…. ——- 2

9x = 1 + 0.5

9x = 3/2

x = 1/6

Q1. 0.4444 …. = 0.\bar{4}

x = 0.4444…… ———– 1

10x = 4.444…..

10x = 4 + 0.444….. ———- 2

9x = 4

x = 4/9

Q2. 0.5555 …. = 0.\bar{5}

x = 5/9

Q3.  0.\bar{1}\bar{2}

= 12/99

Q4. x = 0.121212….

x = 0.121212…. ———– 1

100x = 12.121212…. ———– 2

99x = 12 [समीकरण 2 मे से 1 घटाने पर]

x = 12/99

Q5.  0.\bar{2}\bar{3}\bar{4}

= 234/999

Q6. 0.\bar{5}\bar{6}\bar{7}\bar{8}

= 5678/9999

Q7. 0.2555 …..

x = 0.2555…. ——- 1

10x = 2.555….

10x = 2 + 0.555…. ——– 2

9x = 2 + 0.3 [समीकरण 2 मे से 1 घटाने पर]

x = 23/90

Or [By short trick]

= 0.2 \bar{5}

= (25-2)/90

Q8. 0.3 \bar{6}

= (36-3)/90

Q9. 0.21555…

= 0.21 \bar{5} = (215-21)/900 = 194/900

Q10. 0.2151515…

= 0.2 \bar{1} \bar{5} = (215-2)/990 = 213/990

Q11. 0.2343434…..

= 0.2 \bar{3}\bar{4} = (234-2)/990 = 232/990

Q12. 0.21 \bar{3}\bar{4}

= (2134-21)/9900 = 2113/9900

Q13. 0.001 \bar{2}\bar{3}

= (123-1)/99000 = 122/99000

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